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How to check KakaoTalk ID (mobile, PC)


Most people sign up by registering with their phone number when signing up for KakaoTalk, but there are also many who have signed up with their ID or created a KakaoTalk ID. In fact, you probably don’t need to use your KakaoTalk ID except to let others know your ID. The good thing about creating a KakaoTalk ID first is that I sometimes give my KakaoTalk ID to people who are too ambiguous to tell me my phone number, such as people in an open chat room or someone I briefly met abroad or in a game. However, there are many cases where you forget your KakaoTalk ID because you don’t use it much. In that case, you can easily check your ID by going to My Profile Settings. From now on, I will tell you how to check your KakaoTalk ID.




1. Check mobile KakaoTalk ID 카카오톡 아이디 찾기

2. Check PC KakaoTalk ID



Check mobile KakaoTalk ID 좋은뉴스

1. Launch the KakaoTalk app.

2. Click My KakaoTalk.



3. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner.



4. You can check your ID at the bottom of KakaoTalk ID.



Check PC KakaoTalk ID

1. Run PC KakaoTalk.

2. Click the gear icon in the lower left corner.



3. Click Settings.



4. Click Profile in the settings list.

5. You can check your ID on the right side of ID.