크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours

How to find Cleantopia business hours

There are coin wash stores in Korea where you can insert coins and use them. It is a place where you can wash clothes or blankets, and you can even dry them. If you live alone, you may be worried that the water bill will be too high to do laundry in your own room at once. Among the coin wash store brands, there is Cleantopia. If you’re going to do laundry at Cleantopia, it’s a good idea to check the business hours in advance. Let’s learn how to find the business hours of Cleantopia.

크린토피아 영업시간

Laundry can be done once every few days or at one time after being collected. Cleantopia also has a laundry service so you don’t have to wait for your laundry to finish. There is an additional charge for agency services. When washing clothes that need to be worn in a hurry, when the laundry does not dry properly due to the rainy season or inclement weather and smells musty, when the laundry basket is full of laundry, and when washing or drying clothes at home, such as curtains or thick blankets. It is useful for large laundry that is not easy to do. 크린토피아 영업시간


Cleantopia Coin Wash is also a business start-up item, and many people are interested in it. Entrepreneurship may not be really easy, but if you learn about entrepreneurship, you can refer to these items. There are several such Cleantopia stores across the country.  좋은뉴스


How to find Cleantopia business hours


Find Cleantopia business hours on Naver Map

Find Cleantopia business hours on Naver Map


The Cleantopia laundry service includes general clothes, shirts, blankets, sneakers, leather and fur, luxury bags, outdoor clothes, school uniforms, hats, dolls, bags, special cleaning, royal cleaning, same-day laundry service, and clothing storage service. It may not be easy to wash a large duvet because it is bulky to put in the washing machine and spin it. The Cleantopia duvet washing service can even remove contamination and detergent residue from duvets, and the price is different for each bed cover, regular duvet, microfiber duvet, down duvet, and fleece duvet. You can check the business hours of Cleantopia on Naver Map.




After entering the business hours of Cleantopia in the Internet portal site Naver search term, search.




Click More Maps on Naver Map in the Naver Search List.




In Naver Map search terms, for example, search for Busan Cleantopia business hours. A list of Cleantopia stores in Busan appears. Click Cleantopia Coin Wash Haeundae Jungdong Branch in the list of stores.




You can check the detailed address, phone number, business hours, homepage and blog address, usage price, blog and cafe reviews, map information, etc. of Cleantopia Coin Wash Haeundae Jungdong Branch. The operating hours of Cleantopia Coin Wash Haeundae Jungdong Branch are 09:30 to 20:00 on weekdays, 09:30 to 18:00 on Saturdays, and 00:00 to 24:00 on Sundays. Business hours may vary by store. You can check the business hours of other stores in this way.


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Advantages of Cleantopia self-coin laundry

Advantages of Cleantopia self-coin laundry


Washing machines that can be used in Cleantopia are large-capacity washing machines. I think it would be nice to collect a week’s laundry at once now. Beauty salon, sauna, or group laundry are also available. It only takes 1 hour from washing to drying. It cannot be dried in a household washing machine. When using a large-capacity washing machine, detergent and softener are automatically added for free. The rates are also reasonable.


We use CJ Lion Beet Drum Liquid for detergent and Saffron from LG Household & Health Care for fabric softener. You can keep your washer and dryer clean every day and use them with confidence. If you think it is not easy to do laundry during the rainy season or winter, using the laundry service in Cleantopia may be a good alternative. Learn how to find the business hours of Cleantopia. If you find out where coin wash laundry is possible, I hope it will be useful information.