기면증 자가진단 Narcolepsy self-diagnosis

Self-diagnosis of narcolepsy, can be life-threatening if missed?

Narcolepsy check, mild narcolepsy, self-diagnosis of narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy employment, narcolepsy depression, narcolepsy patients, narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy treatment, hallucination symptoms, causes of narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, hypersomnia, sleep disorder, sleepwalking, sudden sleep


Hello everyone. Dr. Everything. What do you think is the definition of a happy life? Dr. All things have been defined simply in one word rather than thinking grandiosely. It’s a life of eating well, sleeping well, and packing well (?)! Do you all agree? A life in which sleep, appetite, and sexual desire, which are called the three major human needs, are well satisfied is a happy life. However, it seems that modern people living busy lives do not have enough time to get enough sleep. There must be many people who work late, eat late-night snacks to appease their hard work, and relieve stress by watching TV. This nocturnal lifestyle delays our bedtime. However, sleeping late does not delay the next day’s commute time, so we often fall into sleep deprivation due to the sad reality of having to wake up early holding on to our heavy bodies. By the way, are there any of you who are always tired despite having enough sleep time for more than 6 hours a day? This post is intended to provide information that may be important to those complaining of these symptoms. It’s a story about narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy refers to symptoms of severe sleepiness during the day the next day even if you get enough sleep last night. If not treated early, the symptoms can worsen and lead to a major accident, so it is important to treat it quickly and actively. Please refer to the information on narcolepsy and how to self-diagnose below and create a vibrant and healthy life every day!

Narcolepsy check, mild narcolepsy, self-diagnosis of narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy employment, narcolepsy depression, narcolepsy patients, narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy treatment, hallucination symptoms, causes of narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, hypersomnia, sleep disorder, sleepwalking, sudden sleep 기면증 자가진단
The only ones who can continue to sleep are small children!!

기면증 자가진단

#One. narcolepsy 좋은뉴스

There is a common saying ‘beauty is a sleeper’. Scientifically, enough sleep is helpful for skin beauty. Also, if you get enough sleep, you might look more alert because you can act more energetically in everything! However, even if you are not beautiful(…) there is a disease that makes you sleepy. It is narcolepsy, the main character of this post. What is narcolepsy and why does it happen?

Let me first talk about the definition of narcolepsy. Narcolepsy refers to a sleep disorder in which you suddenly fall into drowsiness regardless of your will during daily life. Narcolepsy, also a type of neurological disorder, differs from general fatigue in that it occurs even after getting enough sleep last night.

The exact cause of narcolepsy is still unknown. When it’s time to wake up from sleep, the brain secretes a stimulant called hypocretin to wake up the brain. The reason why you become more clear-headed as you go about your activities right after being forcibly woken up by an alarm is because this ‘hypocretin’ is gradually secreted. However, in the case of narcolepsy patients, even if they get enough sleep, hypocretin is not secreted properly, so the brain cannot get out of sleep. Therefore, sleepiness continues regardless of whether or not you are tired. Until now, the cause of why hypocretin is not secreted well has not been identified in detail.

The main symptoms of narcolepsy are severe drowsiness during the daytime and lethargy. Also, the quality of sleep is not good, and there is a high probability of experiencing hallucinations or paralysis during sleep, which is commonly expressed as being pressed by scissors. The sleep pattern is also somewhat different from that of the general public, and the general public gradually falls into a deep sleep with a light sleep-REM sleep-deep sleep. However, patients with narcolepsy go directly into REM sleep without going through light sleep. As a result, you often experience lucid dreams or the symptoms of being pressed by scissors, in which you dream even though you have not yet lost consciousness.



#2. Narcolepsy that gets worse if left untreated, how to treat it?

Earlier, we briefly discussed the causes and symptoms of narcolepsy. However, even if many people complain of these symptoms, they often ignore it, saying that it is simply because they are not tired. As a result, there are many cases where the symptoms worsen and visit the hospital when daily life is impossible. In particular, if narcolepsy becomes severe, there is a risk of causing a serious safety accident, with symptoms of sudden loss of strength and collapse without any sign of severe cataplexy. Even if you don’t go to this stage, you may end up dozing off during work hours, and you may suffer social damage.

In addition to the cataplexy mentioned above, severe narcolepsy can reduce concentration and memory during daily life. Also, being constantly sleepy can slow down your body’s response rate. And it will have a big impact on your eyesight. Symptoms such as objects appearing blurry or overlapping in two to four may appear. These symptoms, especially when they occur while driving, can lead to a serious accident, so they require great attention. In addition, automatic actions such as repetitive writing or drawing may appear without being aware of it, and depression due to changed daily life may come.

Such a dangerous narcolepsy, unfortunately, is a disease that cannot be cured with current medical technology. However, through drug therapy, the parts that interfere with daily life can be improved a lot! And by improving your lifestyle, you can minimize the damage caused by narcolepsy symptoms. Taking a short nap of 10 to 20 minutes during your lunch break is much more helpful. Also, make it a habit to go to bed at a set time and wake up at a set time regardless of weekdays and weekends. It is also recommended that you avoid driving your own vehicle and avoid operating potentially dangerous machinery. Lastly, if you eat a lot of carbs when you eat, you may feel more sleepy, so please take a low-carb diet.

Narcolepsy check, mild narcolepsy, self-diagnosis of narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy employment, narcolepsy depression, narcolepsy patients, narcolepsy symptoms, narcolepsy treatment, hallucination symptoms, causes of narcolepsy, REM sleep behavior disorder, hypersomnia, sleep disorder, sleepwalking, sudden sleep
Narcolepsy while driving can be life threatening!!


#3. Check out the self-diagnosis list together!

If there are people who are thinking, ‘Maybe me too?’ while reading the above, please read the self-diagnosis list below. It is made up of 8 items and for each question you are asked to score 0 if not at all, 1 if sometimes, 2 if often, and 3 if you feel that often!

I get enough sleep (more than 6 hours), but I fall asleep heavily during the day.
When the surroundings are quiet, drowsiness pours out.
Drowsiness sets in while watching TV.
Drowsiness comes even while eating.
Drowsiness pours in when talking to someone.
Drowsiness comes when you have an important conversation that requires concentration.
I fall asleep even while waiting at traffic lights while driving.
There are cases where you fall asleep momentarily in an unconscious bird.

Have you scored the 8 questions above? If the total score exceeds 10 points, this indicates that excessive sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, interfere with daily life. Therefore, these people are advised to go to the nearest hospital or sleep center and receive treatment from a specialist.


#4. Another cause of sleep disorders, sleep apnea

I told you a lot of information about narcolepsy earlier, but most sleep disorders come from not being able to sleep properly rather than from narcolepsy. In particular, among those who snore during sleep, there are people who have symptoms of sleep apnea, in which breathing stops for several minutes due to severe snoring. For these people, it is more important to treat sleep apnea than narcolepsy. The big difference from narcolepsy lies in the inability to sleep properly. In most cases, there is a pattern of heavy snoring and frequent waking in between sleep. You wake up after sleeping, but you still feel tired, and symptoms such as cold sweats or severe dry mouth appear together. If you have a spouse, the person sleeping next to you can find and talk to you, but if not, please take a good look at these symptoms and visit a sleep center for consultation. Dr. All Things is currently receiving and using a positive air pressure device due to sleep apnea. If there are people who are worried about snoring, please refer to the previous post about Dr. All Things experiences!

Good article to refer to
The secret to sleeping well every day without worrying about the side effects of the positive pressure machine (1)!! Polysomnography and CPAP prescription

The secret to getting a good night’s sleep every day without worrying about the side effects of the positive pressure machine (2)!! Tearful positive air pressure device adaptor

The secret to getting a good night’s sleep every day without worrying about the side effects of the positive pressure machine (3)!! My life partner, positive air pressure machine


So far, we have learned about narcolepsy self-diagnosis. Please keep in mind that narcolepsy is a disease that needs to be actively treated because it goes beyond simply causing drowsiness and can cause major safety accidents. If you adjust your lifestyle along with medication, you can greatly prevent disruption to your daily life, so please put your worries aside. Then I will come back to you with more useful and fun topics! thank you!!