네이버페이 오프라인 Naver Pay Offline

Two ways to use Naver Pay offline [You can do it for elementary school students]

Many people ask if Naver Pay is only available in online malls that are located in Naver Shopping Mall.


If you look at the actual usage amount, you can see that the amount paid there is considerable, but Naver Pay is not necessarily only available online.


Today, we will quickly learn about two ways to pay using Naver Pay at an offline store. Anyone can do it easily enough that even elementary school students can do it, so get rid of your fear and start right away. 네이버페이 오프라인

네이버페이 오프라인


1. How to pay with the Naver Pay app 좋은뉴스
Points and card payments through the Naver Pay app
Points and card payments through the Naver Pay app
This is how to download the Naver Pay app and pay with this app.


Payment through the Navier Pay app is largely divided into point payment and card payment.


Point payment is payment with the points currently held in Naver Pay, and card payment literally means on-site payment using a card.


When proceeding with point payment, you must have enough balance, right?


No matter which one you choose, a QR code will appear, tag it on the calculator or show it to the staff to complete the calculation.



2. Through Naver App
Offline store payments are also available on the Naver mobile app
Offline store payments are also available on the Naver mobile app
Even if you do not have to install the Naver Pay app, you can make offline on-site payments with just the Naver app.


After launching the Naver app, press the [Na] button in the upper right corner, and then press the [On-site Payment] button on the page that follows.


Alternatively, you can get the same result by launching the Naver app, clicking the [pay] button in the upper right corner and pressing the [Pay on-site] menu.


In this way, offline on-site payment methods using Naver Pay or the Naver App can get more benefits if you sign up for a Naver Plus membership.


For example, if you press the draw menu after completing all calculations, you can accumulate up to the number of points drawn, and you can save to other memberships or register for discounts all at once.