틀니 가격 denture price

Dentures are a product that can be used when teeth are not intact, and they can be divided into implant dentures, complete dentures, and partial dentures. As we age, our teeth tend to weaken.

However, these days, even young people who are young can sometimes see dentures. 틀니 가격

In this article, we will find out the price of dentures and also take a look at dentures. 좋은뉴스

틀니 가격

What are dentures?
Type of dentures?
complete dentures
partial dentures
implant partial dentures
Connors partial dentures
The price of dentures?

Let’s find out the price of dentures! (Price/Cost, Type)
denture price

What are dentures?
– Dentures, also called dentures, refer to teeth that are artificially inserted into and removed from toothless gums.

If several teeth are missing or missing, dentures are often used when there is a limit to treatment.


– The pure function of dentures is to fill the gaps where there are no teeth when chewing food, and to function as teeth.

In that respect, it is an essential product for those who do not have many teeth.


Type of dentures?
– There are three types of dentures: complete dentures, partial dentures, and implant dentures.


complete dentures
– It is a denture that can be used when there are not many teeth or all teeth are extracted.

partial dentures
– If 5 or 6 teeth are lost, partial dentures are used for treatment. These dentures rely on the existing teeth and gums, so they are more durable than complete dentures.

However, regular dental visits are essential as gum deformation and resorption can occur as much as you rely on.

Partial dentures include Connors partial dentures, hook-type partial dentures, and implant partial dentures.


– There are two types of partial dentures: temporary partial dentures and final partial dentures.

In some cases, temporary partial dentures are worn before teeth are extracted or implants are placed.


– Temporary partial dentures and final partial dentures are made of different materials.

Temporary partial dentures are not recommended to be worn for long periods of time as they can adversely affect the gums.

implant partial dentures
– When the denture is connected to the remaining teeth, it rotates around the center, so you need to place the implant in the back to set the direction of rotation in one direction.

Then, implant partial dentures can be well placed and satisfactory results can be obtained.

Connors partial dentures
– It refers to the way in which a double crown is made on the remaining teeth and attached to the denture for the exterior and the tooth for the inner crown.


The price of dentures?
– Please take a look at the price of each denture and find out the price that is right for you.


– The price of temporary dentures varies from hospital to hospital, but the average price is between 100,000 and 300,000 won.


– Partial dentures are covered by insurance through multiple treatments.

The total cost is between 400,000 and 500,000 won, and it is cheaper for basic recipients and the next upper class.

Partial dentures are covered by insurance only when there are remaining teeth, so please check the benefits.


– Complete dentures are also made through several treatments. If you do not have teeth, you can receive insurance fees, and the total cost is between 700,000 and 900,000 won. Likewise, basic pension recipients and the next-upper class are a little cheaper.


– Implant dentures are difficult to apply for insurance, so the cost belongs to the expensive side.

The cost is approximately 3 to 5 million won, but the reason why the price is high is because the implants are placed and the cost of dentures is also required.



▶ Prices are different for each hospital, so please refer to the article below to search for treatment costs for each hospital.