혈액형 궁합 blood type compatibility

blood type compatibility. Which Blood Type Is Best for Me?

혈액형 궁합

Should I say that blood type compatibility is mainly seen in Korea and Japan rather than in the West? The idea of looking at compatibility based on personality determined by blood type may seem scientific, but in fact, it can be said that blood type compatibility is just for fun rather than scientific basis. 혈액형 궁합


The reason why blood type compatibility has been loved for a long time despite no scientific basis is probably whether it is true or not, ‘Huh?! Do you think this is right? Is this just our story?’ I think it might be because there are many people who agree with me. 좋은뉴스


In this post, we prepared blood type compatibility. I said earlier that there was no scientific basis, but when I looked up the data, I was surprised that it matched our couple’s blood type compatibility. Please take a look below to see if the description of your blood type is correct, and which blood type you are compatible with.


type A man
A type A man has a friendly and charming personality despite his introverted personality. They have high expectations in everything and try to do their best. With a sensitive and easily hurt temperament, it takes a relatively long time to meet new people and build trust.


type A woman
Confident and sometimes greedy. They prefer to stick to their own way, are not willing to change easily, and tend to be dissatisfied. However, she is very loyal to her mate, and if she does not reciprocate this, she is easily jealous and feels betrayed.


The best blood type compatibility for type A is type O.


The best blood type compatibility for type A is type O.

type B man
It is the most infamous of all blood types. He is smart and witty, often attracts attention, and is often talked about as a subject of interest among women. They fall in love easily and fall out of love easily. Although he has a flirtatious temperament, he does his best when it comes to the things he cares about.


type B woman
Type B women are independent, wild, and spontaneous, which intrigues those around them. They tend to spit out their words without considering how they will affect the other person’s mood, but they are easily swayed by their mood, so sometimes they don’t keep in touch with their friends.


The best blood type compatibility for type B is type AB.


The best blood type compatibility for type B is type AB.

type AB man
Because they don’t reveal their inner feelings, they may appear cold-blooded or emotionless at first. But in reality, of all the blood types, they are the most candid, romantic, and warm. They tend to adapt very quickly to their surroundings, but tend to give up easily if their standards are not met. Therefore, women with blood type AB boyfriends need to be consistent with self-care in order to maintain the relationship.


type AB woman
She has a very caring and understanding personality for her boyfriend. But inside, there is an insecurity that makes it difficult to trust your boyfriend. They tend to be curious about other people’s affairs and are very weak to jealousy.


The best blood type compatibility for type AB is type AB.


type O man
It is safe to say that they have a friendly, positive attitude and are the best-natured blood type. Type O men tend to be leaders, both outside and in bed. He is often shown to be arrogant and conceited, but he is also extremely sensitive and emotional. He doesn’t express his intentions or feelings well because he’s worried that the other person might reject him.


type O woman
Type O women are known for being very considerate and patient. Helping her friend with her problems as if it were her own, she feels hurt and lonely. Although she appears very strong on the outside, she is emotionally fragile and vulnerable on the inside, and often fails to control her stress. She often burns herself out by taking care of the people around her, and prefers to hang out in small communities rather than large organizations.


The best blood type compatibility for type O is A.


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Learn about blood type compatibility. After reading this, there may be some people who are disappointed that type B is not the best blood type compatibility. However, as I said before, I hope you enjoy blood type compatibility for fun. It is said that each blood type has its own personality, but just because the blood type is the same does not mean that the personality is the same. The important thing is to try to understand and understand the character of your lover or spouse, and correct the wrong parts to create a relationship in which each other grows personally.