설날 고속도로 통행료 면제 Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption s before the holiday

설날 고속도로 통행료 면제
Are you planning your trip to Korea during Seollal (Lunar New Year) and wondering about the Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption? You’re in luck! South Korea offers toll exemption on expressways during Seollal to promote safe and convenient travel for families visiting loved ones and celebrating the holiday together.

**What is Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption?**

During Seollal, the toll fees on all major expressways in South Korea are waived, making travel more affordable and hassle-free for everyone. This exemption only applies to vehicles with 15 seats or less, so be sure to check if your vehicle qualifies before hitting the road.

**When does the toll exemption start and end?**

The toll exemption for Seollal typically starts a few days before the holiday and extends through the duration of the Seollal holiday. This means that you can enjoy toll-free travel for several days around the Lunar New Year period.

**How can I take advantage of the toll exemption?**

To benefit from the toll exemption, simply drive onto any major expressway in South Korea during the designated period for Seollal. There’s no need to register or apply for anything in advance – the toll fees will be automatically waived for eligible vehicles.

**Why is the Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption implemented?**

The toll exemption during Seollal is implemented to encourage safe and convenient travel for families during the holiday period. By removing the financial barrier of toll fees, more people can visit their loved ones, participate in traditional celebrations, and enjoy the festive season without worrying about transportation costs.

**Is the toll exemption applicable to all vehicles?**

Unfortunately, the toll exemption for Seollal only applies to vehicles with 15 seats or less. Larger vehicles such as buses and trucks are not eligible for the toll waiver. However, if you’re traveling in a smaller vehicle, you can take advantage of the exemption and save money on your journey.

**Can I use the toll exemption for multiple trips?**

Yes, you can utilize the toll exemption multiple times during the designated period for Seollal. Whether you’re traveling to multiple destinations to visit different family members or simply exploring the country during the holiday, you can enjoy toll-free travel each time you drive on a major expressway.

In summary, the Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption in South Korea offers a fantastic opportunity for families and travelers to enjoy toll-free travel during the Lunar New Year period. Be sure to take advantage of this exemption if you’re planning to hit the road during Seollal and experience the festive spirit throughout the country.


1. Is the toll exemption applicable to all vehicles?
2. When does the toll exemption start and end?
3. How can I take advantage of the toll exemption?
4. Why is the Seollal Expressway Toll Exemption implemented?
5. Can I use the toll exemption for multiple trips?
6. What are the benefits of the toll exemption for travelers during Seollal?

설날 고속도로 통행료 면제
