경력증명서 발급 Issuance of career certificate

How to issue foreigner career certificate

경력증명서 발급

hello. Today, we are going to learn about the issuance of career certificates for foreign workers.


When changing from E-9 to E-7, the foreigner’s career certificate is included. Of course, it’s okay to fill out a career certificate arbitrarily, but it’s difficult to remember exactly where you work and how long you worked, so it’s a little more convenient to get a career certificate issued.


And even if you don’t change your visa, even if you finish your job hunting in Korea and return to your home country, it is good to know how to get a job or start a business based on your work experience in Korea. Same. 경력증명서 발급


I prepared it so that you can do it easily today, so please take a look and follow it. 좋은뉴스

First, click the link below to access the EPS (Foreign Employment Management System) website.




When you access the website, you will see a screen like this. Please log in after entering your ID and password where marked in red here.


If you have logged in, click the general foreigner service marked in red.


If you have entered the general foreigner service, please click Apply for career certificate issuance.


Then you will see a screen like this. On the screen, the name of the company you worked for and the phone number you worked for are displayed.

If a Korean person helps you, don’t panic if a foreign language comes out!

It’s probably coming out in your native language. I tried selecting Korean, but nothing came out..

Please scroll down without panic.


If you go down, the career certificate print button appears, but if you just press it right away, it will not be printed. You must enter the reason for issuance in the part I circled. You don’t have to write in detail, just enough to submit your career proof or visa documents! Enter the reason and click the print button to complete issuance of the career certificate.


Have you all been issued career certificates?


There are some people who can’t even sign up for membership. If you are unable to do so, you can contact the Ministry of Public Administration or visit the Human Resources Development Service of Korea for issuance. 🙂


Thank you for reading today.


I hope today’s post will be of some help.