한전 전기요금 복지할인 대상 KEPCO Electricity Rate Welfare Discount Target

KEPCO’s electricity rate welfare discount system, recipients of support, details of discount, and how to apply   KEPCO offers discounts on electricity rates for the disabled, people of national merit, multiple children, and households giving birth. This includes various vulnerable groups such as basic livelihood recipients and the next-lowest class. Today, we will learn about … Read more

쏘카 이용요금 Socar usage fee

Price information such as Socar usage fee and cancellation fee What is Soka? It is the largest carsharing company in Korea and is available through a smartphone application. Car sharing is one way to rent a car. Unlike a rental car, there is a storage room near the residential area, and the car is delivered … Read more

소액결제 차단 Block microtransactions

How to block and cancel SKT micropayments Unexpected billing charges may occur due to smishing, which is a text fraud on smartphones, and unannounced app payments. So, I usually use it with SKT micropayment blocked, and only when necessary, I use the SKT micropayment blocking cancellation to solve the problem. In particular, if you have … Read more